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Regular price $18.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $18.00 USD
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Tasting Notes: Chocolate, Brown Sugar, Dried Fruit

Varieties: It's Complicated

Process: Wet Hulled, Washed

Medium-Dark Roast

The Friends and Family blend was thoughtfully designed to appeal to a wide range of coffee drinkers. It's not too dark for light roast drinkers, and its not too light for dark roast drinkers. Isn't that just a medium roast? Well... kind of. The blend is a 50/50 combination of Sumatra and Ethiopia. you'll typically see Sumatra roasted dark and Ethiopia roasted light. Together, they make one heck of team. That's why we always recommend it for your crazy Friends and Family- it's got something for everyone! As versatile as a roll of duct tape, you won't have to try hard to find a way to brew this beauty up. We like it as espresso, filter coffee, and even cold brew! 

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